Monday, November 07, 2005


Hello world! My name is Laura... I'm 17 and there isn't much to say about me... but i felt the need to do some sort of introduction... and there you are. now on to the real reason for this blog.

So... While looking for the list of 1001 movies you need to see before you die... i stumbled across many people making these lists of 101 things to do in 1001 days... which i thought was a very cool idea and i decided to give it a shot.

SO this is MY list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!
I shall keep this site informed about my progress of THE list.

1. Make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days

2. see the top 101 grossing movies of all time

3. make gum chain 150 feet

4. do 100 pushups without stopping

5. run a mile without stopping

6. go 3 days without a computer, by choice,

7. make a list of top 100 movies

8. make a list of top 100 songs

9. go to a synagogue

10. take 100 pictures in three days

11. make a Jacobs ladder, without looking up how.

12. stop drinking soda, by choice, for two weeks

13. sleep in a tent on a school night

14. collect all the state quarters

15. learn how to sign a favorite song in sign language

16. get a massage

17. go to a mosque

18. go to a church

19. go to one other religious place.

20. write a screenplay for a book

21. sing at a karaoke thing

22. go to a concert of someone I’ve never heard of

23. wear a skirt to school every day for a week

24. learn 50 new words

25. learn 5 words in 5 languages

26. record all money spent for a week

27. record everything eaten for a week

28. try some new sport or game

29. be vegan for a week

30. be vegetarian for a week

31. fast for two days

32. make an outfit

33. memorize a song on the piano

34. play memorized song in public

35. memorize song on flute

36. play memorized song in public

37. contact 4 old friends

38. learn how to make something good, without a recipe

39. learn to dance, any kind

40. bungee jump

41. stay up to watch the sun rise

42. watch the sun set from a roof

43. get a caricature of me done

44. get lost with a full tank of gas, take pictures, and come home when its half gone

45. color an entire coloring book

46. cook marshmallows over a candle while its snowing out

47. celebrate an unheard of holiday

48. set up a site to blog my progress of this list

49. swim on the day after christmas

50. put coins in an expired parking meter

51. be a “door holder” for 15 minutes on a cold day.

52. relearn how to do a handspring

53. call someone every day for a week

54. go a week without a watch

55. give a stranger a hug, but not in a creepy way

56. go to 5 states I haven’t been to

57. revisit my middle school

58. go to a movie theatre every day for a week

59. get a piercing other than ears.

60. learn to drive a stick shift

61. dye my hair a normal color

62. buy an entirely new outfit, head to toe, in one day

63. go to a hellhouse

64. get a tattoo

65. clean my room because I want to, not because mum made me

66. memorize another movie

67. get a tan

68. lose 5 pounds at least, and keep it off

69. go to a zoo by myself and just watch the animals I love

70. find a drive in movie theatre, watch any movie there

71. drink a gallon of milk in an hour

72. watch movies for 24 hours straight

73. make 5 movies on CD

74. truly forgive someone for something

75. score over 100 in bowling without bumpers

76. go to three garage sales as soon as they open, buy at least one thing at each

77. find something in a store that I loved as a child, buy it, love it.

78. drink the “recommended” amount of water for 2 weeks

79. make 3 As in AP classes

80. rename every picture on my computer to something that makes sense

81. do 5 spontaneous things

82. get a job

83. go a week without swearing/exclaiming anything “offensive”

84. learn how to read tarot cards

85. fly a kite

86. leave the country

87. go horseback riding

88. watch at least 75 movies off of another list [overlooked, best, anything, no repeats]

89. see a midnight showing of a movie I’m really looking forward to

90. give myself a henna tattoo

91. give blood

92. finish a cross stitch

93. go see a play with a group of friends

94. play pinball in an arcade for an hour

95. be okay with wearing a bathing suit in public

96. memorize and perfect one DDR song that I can show off in an arcade

97. join and link to 100 fanlistings

98. join and link to 50 hatelistings

99. find a reason to believe in love

100. overcome a fear

101. tell someone exactly what I think about them, be it good or bad

Started: November 7, 2005

Ends: August 8, 2008


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is pretty much the coolest thing ever.

I wanna do one.

but probably won't.


8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
My homepage | Please visit

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! |

12:13 PM  

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